A meaningful life based on values and priorities important to us is a precious gift.
Change is possible—not only on the surface, but also deep inside yourself.
Life is not about finding yourself—life is about changing yourself!
Everyone can change his character in a positive and sustainable manner.
The past ended yesterday!
Change means doing great things in small steps.
Again, the primary purpose of life is not to find or discover yourself but to create yourself.
LEAD YOUR LIFE NOW is not just a book to read ... rather, you can and should live by it!
Only when you know where you stand can you go where you want.
LEAD YOUR LIFE NOW: Your personal development tool!
Some people are more successful than others. Why?
Many people have assumed an observer status.
Follow the example of Gorbachev: Write down thoughts and ideas today which may form a key basis for you tomorrow.
Is your destiny at the mercy of chance or can you control it?
Very few people have a crystal clear view of their aim in life.
Set a goal that will guide your life.
What is highly desirable in your eyes?
What and who would you like to be?
There is a secret to effectiveness: Concentration!
Focusing on the most important issue at hand saves time!
To work steadily on one thing does not mean: to work without breaks, to work in a hurry or to rush yourself.
First things first!
Tomorrow the duration of your life will be exactly 24 hours shorter.
Do you align your life to your goals, priorities and mission?
Concentrate more on opportunities than problems.
Choose your own direction, rather than drift with the crowd.
Set your sights high and strive for new results instead of seeking only for safety and easy success (»low-hanging-fruit«)!
Don’t be influenced by your mistakes, but learn from them—let go and then move on!
Concentrate work in block hours. Do NOT allow yourself to be distracted or interrupted!
Let go of yesterday.
Take care of important matters first!
Mental creation comes before physical creation.
We do not receive a short life—we make it short ourselves.
Who directs your destiny?
Combine foresight and perseverance!
Your personal life requires methodical thinking and disciplined preparation.
Discover yourself!
Guide activities step by step!
You can discover the goal that should guide your life!
Your goals can only be achieved when they match your real values!
Have the courage to go your own way!
We all are capable of much more!
Perform a skills assessment, take inventory of your career.
Everything you have learned so far helps you advance!
Language creates reality.
The spoken word has more creative power than we are aware!
Our reality is strongly influenced by our language.
Repetition makes things come naturally!
A message is manifested by repetition!
Conscious language avoids many conflicts and emotional injuries!
How you say something can have a devastating effect!
The spoken word creates our reality and has enormous more creative power.
Communication is one of the greatest challenges people face in their relationships!